Helpful Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Apartment
When spring rolls around there are lots of things you’d like to be doing and cleaning probably isn’t one of those things. But, spring cleaning definitely has its benefits and will leave you feeling a huge sense of accomplishment when you’re finished. Use these tips and tricks to tackle this job and, hopefully, leave plenty of time for other fun things.
Get Rid of the Clutter
You’ve probably heard of Marie Kondo and her whole philosophy of tidying and only keeping things that “spark joy.” There’s probably no need to Konmari your entire apartment this spring, but it is a good idea to start by getting rid of things you no longer need or want. Be sure to separate items that can be recycled or donated so that someone else might put your hand-me-downs to good use.
When you de-clutter, you may also want to do the “spring closet switch.” Yes, put away those winter clothes that you will not be wearing for the spring and summer and grab your lighter clothes to get ready for spring. Be sure your winter clothes are clean so that stains do not set while stored. Additionally, make sure all of your winter clothes are thoroughly dry so that mildew doesn’t set in.
Clean the Cupboards
When was the last time you cleaned out your kitchen cupboards? That means pulling everything out, wiping down the shelves and then neatly placing everything back in. It may have been a while, but spring is a great time to do this.
If you have food stored in your cupboards, be sure to check expiration dates when you’re cleaning. Throw away expired foods and make a list of those things that need to be replaced.
Wipe Down the Refrigerator
Here’s another area of the kitchen where you need to pull everything out and give it a good scrub. Once you’ve cleaned the shelves and drawers in your refrigerator, you can start placing items back in. Also, be sure to wipe down any jars or bottles that may have spilled contents before setting them back in your freshly cleaned fridge. Finally, check for expired products just like you did in your cupboards.
Shampoo the Carpets
Spring is an ideal time to shampoo your carpets. You can rent a carpet steamer from most home improvement stores. This will allow you to get rid of any winter grime that was tracked in and with the nicer spring weather, you can open some windows to help your carpet dry more quickly.
Dust the Blinds and Wash Any Curtains
Blinds are often overlooked and can become dust magnets. You could take your blinds down and submerge them in your bathtub, but if you’re looking for a cleaning hack that will save you some time – try this one!
Curtains should also come down and be washed. You may be able to wash your curtains at home; otherwise, you can bring them to your local dry cleaner.
General Spring Cleaning Tips
Carry all of your cleaning supplies with you. You can get put them all in a mop bucket or shower caddy, so they can easily go room to room with you.
Be sure to move everything on shelves and countertops so that you can get rid of all of the dust. It’s easy to clean around items, but every once in a while you need to move everything and do a proper cleaning.
Open the windows to let in fresh, clean air and get rid of the winter smells that may be trapped in your apartment.
Spring cleaning is a chore, but you’ll love the way your apartment looks when you’re finished.
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.