Free Apps That Can Help with Anxiety

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There are many things in life that can cause stress, anxiety, and even fear in our daily lives. The feeling of dread, an overwhelming feeling of helplessness, or loss of motivation can be signs that you suffer from anxiety. (Of course, consult a doctor before diagnosing yourself with any form of mental illness.) But even if you just find yourself feeling anxious or unable to escape from the pressures of everyday life, then you might be looking for ways to alleviate some stress. Luckily, there are plenty of apps out there that can help you do just that. Let’s talk about the top apps on the market right now that can help you ease your anxiety. The best part? They’re all completely free.

  1. Headspace– This app is a great tool that will help you to train your brain to cope with general anxiety and stress. Guided meditation on-the-go, mindfulness techniques, and anxiety tips will help you be more aware of what triggers your anxiety and walk you through managing it. Headspace also offers tutorials that help you through problem areas of your life, teaching you to be more mindful, aware, and proactive, as you apply what you’ve learned in everyday life.
  2. HelloMind– HelloMind is a great app for those who learn best by listening. This app works by providing guided meditation through audio and voice guidance. This app would function as a great stress-reliever for commuters, because it can easily be listened to while driving. The app helps you work through stress, instills a sense of calm, and even gives you advice on how to manage your stress more effectively. Listening to the app earns you points, so there’s also an incentive to stick with it.
  3. Moods– This app works by using a mood tracker to gauge your feelings as they fluctuate on a daily basis. All you have to do is input your current mood, and over time, the app will learn about you in order to give you accurate, customized feedback. You can track your moods, get tips on how to lift your mood, and more!
  4. Self-Help for Anxiety Management– This app takes a unique approach to anxiety management because users become a part of a community that can offer support and guidance through anxiety-related troubles. The app offers guided meditation, an anxiety tracking tool, and interactive features that can help you to refine the mental and physical reactions you have to certain life events.
  5. Sleep Time– Sleep Time helps you curb your anxiety by solving one of its biggest offenders: lack of sleep. Sleep Time ensures that you get not only more sleep each night, but better quality sleep. Let your mind and body be coaxed into sleep by listening to relaxing sounds, and track your sleep to make sure you’re getting the best out of each night. The app also offers a workout schedule for those who wish to also get the most out of their day as well!
  6. What’s Up?– This app will help those who wish to tackle the things that trigger their anxiety, as well as the reactions their body has during an episode of extreme anxiety. It offers anxiety management, guided rational thinking, and how to deal with fear and anxiety under stressful situations.
  7. Anxiety Free– This app works by using self-hypnosis techniques to equip you with the skills necessary to overcome extreme stress or anxiety. Each 90 minute lesson will teach you about how to deal with stress, how to manage your anxiety, and how to avoid putting yourself in a scenario that is likely to cause an anxiety or panic attack. Think of the lessons like TED Talks for your mind!
  8. Inner Balance– Inner Balance is another great app for understanding, reducing, and managing your anxiety. The app takes a physical health approach, recognizing that mental reactions are often highly correlated to a physical one. The app works by syncing with a sensor that monitors your heart and other vitals. It not only records this information, but suggests what you can do to improve concentration and focus, and get your body and mind back on track for a healthier life.


Have you tried any of these great anxiety apps? Let us know in the comments below!

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